How To Maintain Your Kitchen Appliances

By Cora Wen
updated: April. 30, 2023
How To Maintain Your Kitchen Appliances

There are many wonderful aspects of a new home, but the kitchen appliances have to rank as one of the greatest. You understand what I mean if you've ever lived in a run-down flat or had to cope with erratic, old appliances. When you know your appliances will function without a hitch, cooking and kitchen cleanup become incredibly simple and, dare I say, even delightful.

Appliances will eventually need to be replaced, but by just taking care of them, you may extend their lifespan. We've provided some advice on how to care for your kitchen appliances so they last a long time and work well below.

Kitchen Appliances Maintenance Tips

Kitchen appliances are made to function without much assistance from humans. Most of the time, all you have to do is press a button and wait for it to finish. That implies that homeowners don't need to do much to maintain their kitchen appliances on a daily basis. In fact, these three words—inspect, clean, and maintain—can be used to sum up appliance maintenance. Learn how to use your appliances so you can distinguish between normal operation and abnormal behavior. Maintain and clean them as necessary.

Read the manufacturer's instruction manual that was included with each appliance to learn more about it. In fact, as its very first piece of advice on maintaining appliances, HomeServe, an independent provider of home repair service solutions, suggests reading the manual:

"This manual will instruct you on how to use the appliance correctly and typically offers useful information and best practices for running the device. By doing so, breakdowns and overwork will be reduced. These manuals typically include a care and upkeep plan as well as a troubleshooting guide to assist you in identifying and resolving issues before hiring a repairman. I prefer to put all of my booklets in one location so that I can quickly locate whatever I need when a problem arises.


Both gas and electric stoves function best when they are free of food buildup. Clear away any dirt from gas burners and keep exposed electric coils clean. To remove stubborn debris that is difficult to remove with a brush, use one. Glass cleaner or specialized cleansers can be used to keep ranges with glass tops clean.

Although many ovens have a self-cleaning feature, don't be afraid to use it. For the oven, you can use a spray-on oven cleaner or get in there and scrub it down with baking soda and vinegar. The oven will reach a very high temperature, effectively burning off any food that has been caked on. All that's left to do is clean up the crumbs afterward!

Also, remember to look up. We should clean the vent hood, says Dan Montgomery, an advanced diagnostics specialist for Sears Home Services:

It will be simpler to maintain the range clean if the vent hood filter above the range is kept clean because it will prevent grease buildup around the range and on its cooktop.

Refrigerators and Freezers

Refrigerators and freezers are a perfect example of a “plug it in and forget about it” appliance, but that would be a mistake since neglect is a top cause of fridge and freezer failure. At a minimum, you’ll want to vacuum the unit’s compressor coils twice a year, more often if you have pets. Compressor coils are located at the back or bottom of the unit and are crucial to keeping the appliance cool. Dirty, dusty coils have trouble removing heat from inside the unit, making the appliance run more often, for longer periods of time, and run hotter in general. All of this can add up to early failure.

Additionally, you should inspect the rubber gaskets on the freezer and refrigerator doors. These keep the unit sealed shut and the cold where it belongs—inside. Poorly sealed gaskets might let cold air escape, forcing the appliance to operate more frequently to maintain the desired temperature. Simply use soapy water to wipe away any food particles and debris, and then dry the gaskets with a towel. Don't overfill your appliance, and lastly. This restricts ventilation and, once more, makes the appliance run hotter than is ideal.


One of my least favorite appliances to clean is the microwave. It's a tight quarter, difficult to enter, and the inside always seems to have caked-on splatters of unknown substances. The greatest way to increase the lifespan of microwaves, which last 10 years on average, is to clean them regularly. Not only are caked-on food particles unappealing, but if they are left too long and develop into carbon, they may eventually cause electrical sparking.

I occasionally believe that homeowners undervalue kitchen appliances. We frequently take them for granted until they break down or begin to make strange noises despite the fact that we use them every day. There may be some worry when something occurs. "Where do I get a repairman?" How quickly can he arrive? "Can it be fixed, or do I have to replace it?"

Panic is entirely comprehensible. Appliance repairs can be expensive as well as frustrating because they always seem to occur when least expected. You'll have to pay for labor and any replacement components (or a new appliance) needed for the repairs, in addition to the expense of hiring a specialist to identify the issue.

By taking care of your appliances, utilizing them appropriately, and keeping them clean, you can guard against situations like these.


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